The target-oriented laboratories

The research and methodology and language laboratories function at the Foreign Languages Chair.

The research and methodology laboratory is a creative workshop the aim of which is to give practical help to students, lecturers, teachers in their creativity and improvement of professional skills.

The laboratory collection consists of methodical manuals, instructions, references, books, periodicals, fiction.

The research and methodology laboratory performs the work on completing the collection in strict accordance with the laboratory profile, curricula and programs, requirements of teachers; on executing and giving students handouts with seminars, specialized courses of study, teaching materials , requirements for term papers and theses, models of executing term papers and theses; distributing on a loan basis (individual work in the laboratory, seminars, practical lessons) prints and other documents, including visual aids from the book laboratory collection.

Tasks of the research and methodology laboratory are: to supply with academic, scientific and reference literature, periodicals, visual aids for individual and independent work of students in the laboratory, at practical classes and at school during practice; to help improve the educational process, to help teachers of the chairs in carrying out academic, scientific and organizational and educational work with students.

Improvement and optimization of the educational process are impossible without the most expedient methods and forms of education. The new content of education accelerated the introduction of active methods, technical means of training which promote more perfect knowledge transfer, accelerate the training process and increase its efficiency, allow to use pupils’ capabilities more actively in the educational process.

The language laboratory functioning at the chair is equipped with technical means allowing more rational to distribute training material, to intensify the training process, to concentrate more attention on its substantial moments.

Work in the language laboratory when learning a foreign language gives a teacher a chance to diversify methods, forms, ways of training, makes a lesson structure more intensive and full and in a certain way influences efficiency of pedagogical work. It also creates a certain emotional spirit when studying material that promotes students’ cognitive activity.

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